For more than 30 years Pankhurst Sawmilling has been producing quality timber products to clients all around the South Island.
From its sawmills in Riverton in Southland and Fairfield Otago, Rodney and Amanda Lonneker’s dedicated team pride themselves on producing fine macrocarpa, pine and oregon products for use in a wide range of interior and exterior applications.
They specialise in environmentally-friendly macrocarpa products including exposed beams in beautiful homes, sleepers for gardens, posts for landscaping features and timber of specialist products such as popular rail-style fences.
We specialise in…
Post and Rail Fencing
Posts and Beams
Landscaping Timber
It is our mission to honour the South Island macrocarpa resource, and unlock it’s beauty and strength by transforming it into valuable products that will last.
We turn quality logs into a wide range of sawn timber products, and have the ability to work with any quantity and size requirements. No job is too big or too small!
Dispatch is available throughout New Zealand.
Timber and Landscaping
Sawn-to-order posts, sleepers, beams, and custom macrocarpa timber to give you the right product for the job!
We stock a range of different firewood throughout the year to meet your needs.
Delivery is free to most suburbs in Dunedin City and Mosgiel for orders over 3 cubic meters!
It is our mission to honour the South Island macrocarpa resource, and unlock it’s beauty and strength by transforming it into valuable products that will last.
We specialise in…
Post and Rail Fencing
Posts and Beams
Landscaping Timber
Custom Milling
We turn quality logs into a wide range of sawn timber products, and have the ability to work with any quantity and size requirements. No job is too big or too small!
Dispatch is available throughout New Zealand.
Timber and Landscaping
Sawn-to-order posts, sleepers, beams, and custom macrocarpa timber to give you the right product for the job!
We stock a range of different firewood throughout the year to meet your needs.
Southern Post & Rail
Our custom-built interlocking fence system.

For more than 30 years Pankhurst Sawmilling has been producing quality timber products to clients all around the South Island.
From its sawmill in Riverton in Southland, Rodney and Amanda Lonneker’s dedicated team pride themselves on producing fine macrocarpa, pine and oregon products for use in a wide range of interior and exterior applications.
They specialise in environmentally-friendly macrocarpa products including exposed beams in beautiful homes, sleepers for gardens, posts for landscaping features and timber of specialist products such as popular rail-style fences.