Macrocarpa supplied in New Zealand is grown within New Zealand as an exotic tree.
The timber comes from either forested plantations or farm shelter-belts.
Cypress timbers, including macrocarpa, make up the third most commonly used exotic timber species in New Zealand, with approximately 20,000 cubic metres cut per year. Therefore, for small landowners, the species represents a viable economic alternative to radiata pine for woodlots.
The increase in market demand for macrocarpa offers farmers both a low-cost way to reduce negative impacts of farming on the environment, and a lower-impact land-use option than radiata pine. Macrocarpa is a low-to medium-density softwood that looks and works like kauri.
Both the heartwood and sapwood of macrocarpa are naturally borer resistant for interior housing purposes. Macrocarpa, when dry, will accept a variety of paints, oils, two pot resins and varnishes. It has a fine grain and machines and sands well to give a high-quality finish.
The heartwood is golden brown and has a speckled lustre, which is rare in timber. It is a very stable wood, is easily sawn and has relatively low surface hardness, with good working and finishing characteristics and relatively uniform wood properties.
This allows even small diameter logs of 15–20 cm, and young ‘teenage’ trees, to be sawn to produce quality timber.
Macrocarpa heartwood is naturally durable for above-ground purposes, but sapwood requires treatment.
Macrocarpa can be used both structurally and decoratively. Interior uses include ceiling sarking; exposed beams; flooring; wall panelling; framing; furniture; solid wood bench tops; architraves and skirtings.
It can be used outside for weatherboard; surfeit; facia; pergolas; decking and outdoor furniture.
150×25, 200×25, 230×25 – Rusticated, Bevel Back, Dressed All Round, Bull Nose, Ship Lap, Vertical Shiplap.
Click to view Cladding and Fascia Profiles Dressed, RS or B/S Face.
100×40, 100×25, 150×25, 150×40 – GTD, Smooth with P/E, Smooth with Arris, Smooth with Square Edge.
Click to view Cladding and Fascia Profiles.
Grooved Batten
50×25, 75×25, 100×25 – Dressed Back with Grooves
DAR, RS or BS Face
Grooved Board
150×25, 200×25, 230×25 – Dressed Back and Edges with grooves in face.
Shiplap Truck Deck – 150×40
Grating – 50×40 RS or DAR